Welcome to Montalto Medical Centre
Dear Patients,
Zero Tolerance
We are a zero tolerance practice. GP’s and their staff have a right to care for others without fear of being attacked or abused.
In most cases, patients and their relatives are respectful towards surgery staff but unfortunately a minority of people are abusive or use threatening behaviour.
The surgery will request removal of any patient from the practice list who demonstrates any of the following behaviour towards our staff;
Using offensive language or swearing at staff
Verbally abusing or insulting staff
Using loud and intrusive behaviour
Any physical violence towards any member of the practice team
Threating/intimidation of staff or other patients
Persistent or unrealistic demands that cause stress to staff - requests will be met where possible and explanations given when they cannot
Posting abusive or potentially defamatory comments on social media.
We ask that you treat all our surgery staff courteously and with respect
Flu Vaccination
If you still require your Flu vaccination, please contact the surgery for an appointment.
Repeat Prescription Requests
Repeat prescription requests will take 48 hours (2 working days) to process.
While ordering repeat prescription requests, patients must give name, address, DOB, name and strength of medication required and chemist of your choice. Only one patient's order per voicemail, if ordering for numerous people please leave a separate voicemail for each patient.
Due to data protection and patients own safety, community pharmacies can no longer request medication on a patients behalf, nor can the practice post individual prescriptions to patients. This has to be ordered by either the patient, their family or patients representative.
Patients can allocate a chemist in Ballynahinch or arrange to collect prescriptions in the surgery.
You can order using either:
Repeat Prescription Line on 02897565999 (operational during office hours)
Montalto Medical Centre Website
Box at the front lobby in the Surgery
Disabled Access
Access for disabled persons is through the Automatic door at the main entrance. All services provide are on ground floor level. There is a disabled toilet.
Pregnant Patients
Pregnant patients can self refer to hospital for antenatal care using the following link:
Self referral for antenatal care SE Trust
(Site updated 12/03/2025)