Clinics & Services
Attached services
A Health Visitor and District Nurse team are attached to the Practice. Antenatal and postnatal care is available from all GPs and Nurse Practitioner within the practice. The nursing team also supports this area.
Asthma , Chd, Diabetes Hypertension
An asthma clinic is carried out by a fully trained Nurse. Appointments can be made by telephone or at reception.
Cervical Smear/ Well Woman Clinic
The Practice is keen to promote prevention of women’s diseases. It is important therefore, that a cervical smear is carried out every 3 to 5 years. The Practice Nurse is available to carry out smears at the treatment room.
Antenatal And Postnatal Care
This is carried out in practice by both G.P and Nurse Practitioner.
Baby Clinic
Our Health Visitors provide a baby clinic each Thursday afternoon 2.00pm - 4.00pm to weigh babies and give general advice, at Ballynahinch Community services. Our health visitor provides a baby immunization clinic at Montalto by appointment.
Minor Surgery/Dermatascope clinics
Several Doctors provide a minor surgery service. Appointments are available on request.
Drug Monitoring Clinic
The practice runs its own warfarin clinic and also monitors specialised drugs initiated in hospital that require regular blood checks. Details on request.
Adults are advised to have current tetanus and polio protection up to a maximum of five in a lifetime. Holiday vaccinations are no longer available in the surgery. If holiday vaccinations are required travel clinics are currently in place in Masta travel clinic Belfast or Lisburn Health Centre by appointment only. Boots pharmacy sprucefield & Main Branch Belfast now offer this service.
Other Services
A wide range of services are located in the Health Centre including Diabetic Clinic, Asthma Clinic, Mental health, Hypertension, Epilepsy, Osteoporosis, as well as a full nursing support service with District Nurses and Health Visitors. We run an annual Flu vaccination campaign.
Private Prescriptions
Please note we are UNABLE to issue prescriptions from consultations with private practitioners
Coil Insertions/removals
Please contact your local family planning service to arrange IUD insertions/removals/replacement